Author Guidelines

Please use the following guidelines to prepare your manuscript before submitting it.


Title, Times New Roman typeface, Size 14, Capital, left-aligned

Author1, Author2, Author3, etc. (Full name, not abbreviated, and does not use a size 12 title)

1) Institution, Region, email.

2) Institution, Region, email.

3) Institution, Region, email. font size 11)

Corresponding Author: First Author font size 11)


Abstract: Abstract are written in Indonesian and English and contain 150-200 words in one paragraph. Contains a brief description of the overall research results including the background of the problem, objectives, methods, results and conclusions. Avoid writing citations, and abbreviations in the abstract. The writing uses Times New Roman font size 12, spaced 1, for Abstract in English with italic font format.

Keywords: Consists of 3-5 keywords, keyword 1, keyword 2, etc.

Abstract: Abstract is written in Indonesian and English and contains 150-200 words in a single paragraph. Contains a brief overview of the overall research results including the background of the problem, objectives, methods, results and conclusions. Avoid writing quotes, and abbreviations in abstracts. Writing using Times New Roman font size 12, space 1, for English Abstract with italic letter format.

Keywords: Consists of 3-5 keywords, keyword 1, keyword 2, etc.


Manuscript Structure

The article must contain writings that contain, 1) Introduction, 2) Research Methods (can include analysis, architecture, methods used to solve problems, implementation), 3) Results and Discussion, 4) Conclusion, 5) Acknowledgments (if any) and References. The text uses Times New Roman in size 12 bold letters.


The introduction includes a concise, clear, and concise research background; research objectives; and supporting theories. Written using Times New Roman letters size 12, space 1.15. Writing in foreign languages in italics. Narrative writing does not need to be given special subtitles. This includes writing operational definitions, if necessary, a written narrative is also necessary. All forms of reference used must be written at the source. Writing citations or references using body notes is by writing the author's last name and year of writing written in parentheses (Muthmainnah, 2017).


The method contains the implementation of Service and other matters related to the method of research. This section can be divided into sub chapters, but there is no need to list the numbering.


The results are presented systematically, written without sub-chapters and written in full first, then the author writes the results of the discussion. The results of the narrative contain information taken from the data that does not tell the truth as it is, but tells the meaning of the data or information. For the purpose of clarifying information, authors can add tables, figures, etc. In addition, the results also present the items listed in the research objectives or the results of the hypothesis test proposed along with each step taken for the test as written in the method section.

The discussion suggests the interpretation of the results, the development of arguments by connecting the results, theories, and opinions, including comparisons with the results of previous research. It is also important to increase the possibility of contributing the results of their research to the development of science. This section does not rewrite the data from the study.


For tables, the table description is placed at the top of the table. Information is written on the left with space 1, the space of the table. Like the description of the figure, the information table is also given a sequence number. The table source writing is placed below the table and is aligned with the left margin of the table to the Times New Roman 10 size. Writing on the table is typed with a space of 1. The lines of the table are only horizontal lines while the vertical lines are removed.


The picture is placed in the center and referenced in line with text. The caption of the picture is written under the picture with a number. The caption of the image begins with a capital letter. If the caption of the image is more than 1 line, then it is written with 1 space. If the picture is a reference, then the source of the reference is also written. The source of the image reference is typed with Times New Roman letters size 10.


The conclusion answers the purpose of the problem or study based on a more comprehensive understanding of the results and discussion of the research. Suggestions are intended for practical action (to participating institutions), for the development of new theories, and for further research.


References use the mendeley/reference manager style of the American Psychological Associatio 7th edition. The references used should be the most recent references published in the last 10 years since the article was written. The total literature required is 18 or more and at least 80% of them are primary sources (e.g. scientific journals). This section contains only the references that are actually referenced, so references inserted in this section will be found written in the previous sections. Bibliography writing consists of the author's name, year of publication, article title, city name and publishing institution. The bibliography is sorted according to the first letter of the author's name (A-Z), it does not need to be grouped by book, journal, newspaper, or by other types of publications. Written with space 1. If in 1 reference there is more than one line, then the second and subsequent lines are made indented. Bibliography is preferably an article taken from the latest journal or publication. The systematics of the writing is as follows:

Writing systematics for books:

Author's name (reversed). Year of Publication. Book Title. City: Sample Publisher:

Sayyed, R. Z., Reddy, M. S., & Antonius, S. 2019. Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR): Prospects for Sustainable Agriculture. Singapore: Springer Nature.

Journaling systematics

Author's name *flipped. Year of publication. "Title of the article". Journal Name. Volume (Number), pp:.


Kruasuwan, W., & Thamchaipenet, A. 2016. Diversity of Culturable Plant Growth- Promoting Bacterial Endophytes Associated with Sugarcane Roots and Their Effect of Growth by Co-Inoculation of Diazotrophs and Actinomycetes. Journal of  Plant  Growth Regulation, 35(4), 1074–1087.

Writing Systematics for Thesis/Thesis/Dissertation.

Author's name *flipped. Year. Title of thesis/thesis/dissertation. Thesis/Thesis/Dissertation. City: Institution.


Susanto. 2008. The Thinking Process of Tuning Eyes in Solving Mathematics Problems. Dissertations are not published. Surabaya: UNESA.

Writing systematics for articles and the internet.

Author's name *flipped. Year of publication. Title of the article. [Online] Available: site address. [date month year access]


Maxwell, K. 2001. Positive Learning Dispositions in Mathematics. [Online] Tersedia: oed_paper/issue11/ACE_Paper_3_Issue_11.doc. [28 Januari 2013].


Black text color;

The color of the sub part is blue as example;

The number of pages allowed is at least 7 – 25 pages;

The Reference List (Bibliography) uses the concept of the American Psychological Association" 6th edition;

Manuscripts (articles) that do not match the format and template will be rejected immediately

For more clarity, please go to the template we have provided.